West Center Baptist, 322 W. Center St., Madison, SD

PROOF Pirates VBS Finding the Treasure of God's Amazing Grace Sunday, July 23 - Wednesday, July 26 6:00 - 8:30pm

Ahoy, Mateys! We’re looking for young lads and lassies to join us on a high-seas adventure at Proof Pirates VBS!

We’ll be playing pirate games, creating buccaneer crafts, making friends and great memories - all while finding the treasure of God’s amazing grace.

At Proof Pirates, kids will learn the truth about God’s love and grace. God’s love and His grace are free gifts – no performance required.

Proof Pirates is for children aged 4 yr to 5th grade....

Register your kids online or at WCB.

West Center Baptist 322 W. Center St., Madison 256-3027

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